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Monday, June 18, 2012

Relay for Life 2012 / Update on Surgery - 6/16-6/17/2012

Kurt, Nathan, Ashley and I spent this past Saturday and Sunday at Al Quaal in Ishpeming for the American Cancer Society's Marquette County Relay for Life.  I've went several years to sign up as a cancer survivor and walk for the survivor lap but we have never formed a team.  This year Kurt formed the team "Jodi's Team Believe".  While we did not raise a lot of money due to ALOT going on, it felt good to have a team.  We also were supported by several people on our team as well as the team that staff at MARESA formed.  While alot of the teams had things for sale or things to do to raise funds for the relay, we now have a better idea of what to expect and can start planning something to do to raise more funds for next year! 

I'd personally like to thank Lori Waara (and her friend, Kim) for not only donating and coming out to walk, but THANK YOU so much Lori for the beautiful scrapbooked picture frame with pictures of me, my kids and Kurt and a post Kurt put to me about being a family as well as lyrics from "I'm Gonna Love You Through This" - WE LOVE IT!!!  I will take a picture of it sometime soon and put it on here - I decided to do it now instead :)!  (And, I was correct when I said my Auntie Kris would see it and start to tear up :)  But I want her to know that it's okay to cry, Auntie!)

Thank you SO much, Lori Waara, for the beautiful scrapbooked picture frame!  WE LOVE IT!!!!

I'd also like to thank all of the people that stopped by to see us!  (I'd put everyone down but I am afraid I would forget someone and feel really bad...)  It was great to see everyone and it made the day go by SUPER fast ... I was REALLY tired by the end of the night. 

I don't know how to explain the way that the Relay makes me feel... mostly that I am joined by other people with cancer and that I am not standing out because of it.  It is an emotional day - lots of different emotions ... happiness to spend time with people I love, hope to see how many people have survived cancer, saddness to see all the luminaries for people who have passed away, etc.  I listened to Cathy O'Donnell (not the Kathy O'Donnell that I work with at MARESA) who was the speaker for the survivor lap and I related to her cancer experience as she had young children when she was diagnosed.  She spoke about how her children would go to school, she would sleep during the day and try to have as normal of a life when they got home.  I cried!

I also wanted to write about some of the newest "family members" that I have acquired during this past year.  I don't know how each of the staff members from the Hematology/Oncology and Radiation Oncology offices do their jobs each day but I am grateful for each and every one of them!  They were there to raise money and support the many people they see in their offices.  I've always said that each one of them has treated me like I am their sister, relative or part of their family and I am FOREVER grateful for them and their wonderful compassion towards their patients and families!!!  They make it a lot easier for me to keep believing!

I will keep everyone updated as we start planning for the Relay for Life 2013.

On another note, I just wanted to send out an update that while I was at the Relay, I physically just was not able to walk due to my recent leg/hip surgery to insert the rod in my femur.  Poor Kurt had the fun of pushing me most everywhere in a wheelchair.  Each day seems to be getting better and better with my healing.  Today I decided I would try to "walk" without crutches ... I took several steps but definitely know that I need some assistance.  It's been 12 days since my surgery and I realize it is going to take some time for walking normal but it felt good to not walk "with" crutches.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Relaxing, Healing & Hoping to Be Back to "Normal" Soon - 6/15/2012

Well, it's been 9 days since I had the surgery at Mayo.  I was discharged on Friday, we stayed until Saturday.  We left Rochester expecting to stay 1/2 way somewhere but as we got closer and closer to home, there was less and less places to stay.  By this point, I just wanted to come home.  We did get out a couple of times to walk around.

Every day seems like my leg movement is alittle better although I am still using crutches so pretty much not being able to do much of anything.  I am able to be full weightbearing but I'm not actually really sure how long I should be using the crutches for.  My leg is alittle sore - it's really bruised up!  Apparently blood loss is not uncommon with this type of surgery so my hemoglobin was a bit low at my oncology appointment this past Monday.  We are holding off with chemo pills for a couple of weeks.  I will have my stitches out in @2 weeks.

Kurt and Ashley have been extremely helpful with everything.  It stinks to not be able to much of anything for yourself - I am ready to be mobile again!  But, I thank them for their continued help with everything!

My family and I planned to take part in the Relay for Life this weekend at Al Quaal in Ishpeming on Saturday-Sunday.  We will be there, although I will not be able to walk.  If you are there, please stop and see us!  (I will try to take some pictures...)

I continue to believe...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Decisions/Decisions and FINALLY Some Answers - 6/5/2012

I've been wanting to blog today but either there was someone on the computers or I was at appointments.  I'm finally getting to it and hope that my tiredness does not make it sound silly.

I'd mentioned the following in my previous blog and thought I would just copy/paste it again:

I also mentioned to my oncologist that I am having some spurratic problems with
hip pain when I get up from sitting on hard surfaces, such as a wooden chair,
etc.  It feels like my hip is out of joint.  She sent me for an x-ray and to see
an orthopedic doctor (whom I'd already seen a couple of years ago for hip
pain).  I saw the orthopedic doctor on Tuesday and from my x-ray, he indicated
that there is something "wrong" with my lesser trochanter.  When I was
originally diagnosed last year, they told me that I had a stress fracture on
that hip; then my PET scan came back and I was sent for an MRI which confirmed
cancer in that area.  I've had radiation and further PET scans show that the
area is healing.  This new finding and because of my history (and the local
orthopedic doctor), I am going to be sent to see an orthopedic oncologist who
specializes in this area.  Of course, there is not anyone locally that can do
this so we are trying to get word from the orthopedic doctor and my oncologist
on who they'd suggest I see - it looks like we will make another trip to either
Detroit or Mayo Clinic.  (Still working on details of all of this....more will
be posted once I know what is going on.  If anyone knows of a really
good orthopedic oncologist in either of these areas, please let us know!)

I received a call at @ 2:30 p.m. on Friday last week that the doctor here at Mayo would like to see me and could we come for appointments on this Monday and Tuesday.  It was such a quick decision to have to make.  We are very fortunate to have such great family support that it worked out to come since the kids have three days of school left to finish out the 2011-12 school year. 

Kurt and I left on Sunday for our trip - missing our niece, Alyssa's 8th birthday.  She was having a joint birthday party with our other niece, Alivia's, to celebrate her 3rd birthday party alittle early!

On Monday, I had bloodwork and an x-ray.  They had called to tell me that we could come early for these tests and they got us in RIGHT away.  We then went shopping a little bit waiting to get a call from the nurse that the doctor was out of surgery and we could come meet with him.  We met with both the nurse and the orthopedic oncologist in the afternoon on Monday.  He reviewed the x-ray images with us.  He asked me questions on my pain level, if I could walk, etc.  He told us that he was shocked that I wasn't using crutches or a wheelchair based on what my x-rays showed.  Basically, the cancer tumor has damaged the lesser trochanter which is part of the femur (your long leg bone that goes from your hip to your knee).  (The tumor itself is decreased in size as well.)  He said that because of my lack of pain, I had a couple of different options but had I been in the pain that he had expected to see, I would have been told I was having surgery this Wednesday to put a rod down my femur bone.  So, the options were:

1 - Have surgery; Surgery could be as soon as this Wednesday (6/6/12).
      PROS:  That it would be done
      CONS:  That I would have to have surgery and there is always risks

2 - Wait It Out
      PROS:  Give us time to think about it and get things in order
     CONS:  Worried that I would do something that would break my hip and then that would mean a total hip replacement and much more extensive surgery/recovery time.  This would also mean that if I had ANY pain in my hip area, I would have to call to get in ASAP.  And, if I broke my hip, a 7+ hour drive/ambulance ride/flight with a broken hip to have surgery.

3 - Think About It  - Basically we have the option to go home and think about it and schedule surgery for a time that works best in our schedule

We did leave without knowing if I was going to have surgery on Wednesday.  After discussing with each other and our parents, I decided it was probably just best to get it over with.  Since I just went back to work not too long ago, I also wanted to discuss all of this with my boss.  And, I did also text message my oncologist to make sure she was okay with me having it and also if I would have a delay in the chemo drug as I am supposed to start that again next week.  My oncologist texted me back to get the surgery done and worry about the chemo drugs later.

So, I called the doctor's office this morning to let them know that I would like to have the surgery.  We then went to their clinic to meet with him and his team, have pre-op work (more blood work, meet with anesthesia, sign paperwork, etc).  We will find out shortly what time I will go in - the nurse thought @ 5:30 a.m. but we've got to confirm this. 

The surgery itself will consist of putting a rod from my hip to knee down my right leg.  There will be screws placed by my hip as well as my knee.  The doctor said the average hospital stay is usually about 3 1/2 days, he'd like me to go to the hotel for one day after discharge and then we can drive 1/2 way home the following day with the other 1/2 day the following day.  So, if all goes as he hopes, we will be leaving on Sunday and home Monday.  They figure it will take 1-2 months of healing to be feeling back to where I am now.  (I did have a witty little thing I said to Kurt this morning about the rod and screws but I think I will leave that up to the imagination - I don't want to offend!)

I am glad that we found out what has been going on and that I didn't ever break my hip!  I'm also very thankful for the recommendation of the doctor that was given to me by a relative's brother who works at Mayo.  I feel VERY comfortable with this doctor and his colleagues!  As I heard from so many people about Mayo, everyone has been wonderful to us - it's a busy place but they definitely know what they are doing and how not to stress you out! 

Thank you to Ray and Kay for keeping the kids and taking care of the animals (Zoey, the dog, and Speedy, the turtle) this week; my mom and dad for watching them as well.  And, to my grandma, aunt, my neighbors and everyone else who called and offered to help!  (As that saying goes, "It takes a village...")  As of right now, the plan is that my parents and the kids will leave on Thursday morning to come and see us for a few days.  They were excited for their last day of school (Wednesday) and it doesn't seem necessary for them to come to wait out a surgery and a day of healing.  We will keep them updated on what is happening ... It doesn't make it easy though!

I will be sure to have Kurt update the blog and facebook...  Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, etc.  We believe!

Hopefully I will feel up to blogging in the next few days but I will be sure to have Kurt update the blog and my facebook page!