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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Weekend Ambulance Ride, A Trip to the ER, A Few Overnights at the Hospital & A Visit with My Oncologist - 1/30/2012

I'm typing this a day later than what I should have started it.  It all begins with me starting the Temodar medication that I started last Monday night (two pills in the evenings of each day) and ended on Friday evening.  I started with my first dosage and had a very rough late evening / early morning on Monday - got very nauseous, took some nausea medicine with water and then proceeded to vomit a few times.  Tuesday-Thursday I felt a little better ... took nausea meds about 1-2 hours before taking the medicines all four of the additional days.  I slept for about 2 1/2 days - I didn't have any ideas what was really going on.

Skip ahead to Saturday morning.  Kurt contacted the ambulance to bring me to the Marquette Emergency Room.  I seriously thought it was Wednesday - I skipped MANY days.  The ambulance got to our house @ 10 a.m.  The paramedics/EMS staff brought the stretcher in, got me connected and I started  getting the dry heaves in our house.  They finally got me out in the ambulance, got an IV started and we were on the way to  the  hospital.

Once at the hospital, I wanted water as I was really dehydrated but they couldn't give me that right away.  The doctor finally gave me water.  He ordered a CAT scan.  I'm not sure what time it was but the doctor told me that I could either go home if I ate lunch/dinner or I would get brought up to the 6th floor for a day or more.  I wasn't all that interested in eating yet so they did request a room for me on the 6th floor.  Once I was up on that floor, I did eat a bit more and drink a little bit.

I progressed a little each day.  On Sunday, I took a shower which felt good.  My cousin and I took a walk down the hallway and back to my room.  More tests were done - lots of blood work, blood sugar checks and insulin shots, different drugs were added/changed, continual monitoring via IVs, etc.  There was a lot going on that I quite cannot remember what they were doing fully.  We did get discharged on Monday by 9 a.m. so that I could then go to the appointment with my oncologist.

She was aware of all that was going on this weekend and she had all of the paperwork from all of the tests.  After discussing everything that we went through, it sounds like she thinks I was getting sick from seizure activity and not the new temodar drug.  She suggests that I start the new BRAF inhibitor drug (zelboraf) - medication to take each day, twice a day.  She also wanted a MRI done as soon as possible so we can see what the results from the prior MRI looks like now. 

The MRI was done today, Tuesday, at 9:45.  We won't have information on this until our next appointment with my oncologist, which is next Monday afternoon.  Also, after a search for a pharmacy with the new medication, Kurt had to work with the oncology office to try to figure out a place locally to get the medications.  He thinks he will be able to get it by this weekend.

I was less than coherent and now reading some of the things I said, I am sorry!  I definitely didn't know what I was doing or saying!  I'm glad to be home and glad to be getting better (and trying harder to make more sense)! 

Thank you to everyone for your htoughts, prayers, concerns, love, etc!!!!

I have lots of wonderful friends and family!

I believe!

Love, Jodi

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