I must start by writing a bit about this past Saturday, September 3rd, and the benefit that Negaunee Township Fire Department and many other helpers, people who donated, etc. provided for my family and I. (It also happened to be my mom's birthday!) One day soon I will write more about it in detail but I didn't want to forget to mention it right now! It was very overwhelming (yes, my word - I should look up another word in the thesaurus)!!! There was such amazing support with people who attended, gave donations, organized and helped with the benefit. We are very grateful for the support! It was a long day but I made it until the end with only a few breaks.
Today was the start of school for the kids. Nathan is now in 6th grade and starting his middle school career. Ashley is in 3rd grade and will now be on her own until she is a freshman and Nathan is a senior. They both had an excellent day and are VERY tired out!
After dropping both kids off to school, Kurt and I headed to Marquette for my blood work and visit with the PA. My blood work came back good again but he was wondering why my hemoglobin was slightly low so before I could do my treatment, he wanted to have another blood test done in the lab to make sure my body wasn't fighting my hemoglobin. It ended up that I got my 3rd treatment in the end after some waiting for the lab. I came home and took a 2 hour nap but I feel pretty good. It's been a few very long and emotional days; I plan to take it easy for a few days and rest when needed!
As of right now, I am scheduled to have my 4th treatment on September 27th. I will have to wait three weeks after that appointment to go through another PET scan to see how the spots of cancer have reacted to the Ipi!
Thank you again to EVERYONE for your support!
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