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Saturday, May 21, 2011

No New Updates - 5/21/2011

It's my usual 3 a.m. wake up... which was fine because I fell asleep at 10:30 (very, very tired) and slept until 3 a.m.!  I will definitely be going back to sleep at some point soon but I thought I would type a little since I've had some questions on what is happening, etc.  I thought I would type up a little and then listen to the people across the street having a bonfire!  :)  They are probably just getting back from a night of drinking at the bars - I was thinking it probably looks like the same thing over here.  When I get up at 3, I am usually very hungry and it seems that even if food doesn't normally taste good during the day, it seems to at 3 a.m.!  :)

There is really nothing new to report ... right now we are waiting to hear when the 2nd surgery will be.  Until then, we are just trying to have a sortof low-key weekend.  I spent a few hours with my mom, my nephew and niece.  Kurt and I picked the kids up from school, went to Applebees for dinner, went to Frosty Treats for ice cream, etc.  We both even got a little nap in!  (Actually, today I had a couple of naps!)  Both kids were fairly WILD today... it was a little trying.  :) 

Tomorrow is birthday party day!  Nathan is excited to go to his friend's party and then since Ashley turned 8 on Mother's Day and we were alittle busy afterwards, we are having a school party for her on Saturday at the bowling alley.  Sunday I am going to a movie with my cousin.  Maybe sometime in here Kurt and I can go on a date too!!!  Other than that, we will wait to meet with the oncologist on Tuesday to learn more (if we don't find out more before then).  I will update more about what is going on after we find out!

Kurt has been doing a little research on the treatment options that were given to us but until we meet with the oncologist, we'll wait. 

I have been trying to relax.  It amazes me how quickly your body starts fighting for you!  I think alot of the 'weird' things that I feel are actually due to the medications they have me on (anti-seizure meds and swelling medications).  Mostly my body is tired - my arms are just TIRED and my legs were today.  It might also have to do with the warm weather too?!?! 

The only other I am noticing is eating .... for someone who LOVED to eat, this is very different for me.  (This is probably the one thing my mom gets most 'annoyed/worried' with me about -- she's my mom and she WANTS me to eat!)  In the hospital, I barely ate anything.  I lost almost 20# in those 7 days (if only I could have done that while I was on Weight Watchers!).  When I got home, nothing tasted right... very metallic.  I'm trying to make sure to eat and get LOTS of water to stay hydrated.  When food tastes good (like the lunch the other day after the liver biopsy and the night with the chicken and mostacolli, I ate and ate and ate).  It depends on the day but my Diet Mtn Dew just hasn't tasted the same.  So, for now... I will just try to eat and stay hydrated!

I think I will wait to post more until I know more... unless, I can type up those 'apologies'...

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodi,
    My name is Linda, and I know your mom through Sue Smalland (she use to be Sue O'Malley), when we were stationed at were just a young girl back then. Have gotten back in touch with your mom through facebook and heard about your ordeal through that. I've sent many prayers your way, and know they have worked and will continue to work. I just wanted to say, almost 4 years ago, we almost lost our son, with bacterial menengitis, and he had to take anti-seizure meds too, plus a bunch of different meds and he complained of the metallic taste too and also lost a bunch of weight....Praise the Lord, he's fine today and you just keep fighting and we'll keep praying!!
    Linda Wong
    PS. I had to post this using my daughter's Google account :)
